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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes



 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board
September 8, 2009

Call to Order: Laurie Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m. In attendance were Doug Pals, Lorrie Graaf, Marv Rohn, Kevin Kelley, Mark Kramer, Jason Hoffman, Laurie Peterson, Pastor Ron Burcham, and Scott Snyder.

Mark Pierson was not present.

Visitor Recognition: Laura Rath was present as recording secretary.

Consent Agenda:

  • The minutes from the August 2009 meeting were discussed. It was noted that under the Financial Report, Doug Pals name was misspelled, and will be corrected. The August 2009 minutes were accepted by consensus.
  • After discussion, the financial report was also accepted by consensus.

Senior Pastor Report:

  • Pastor Burcham noted that although average worship attendance for August 2009 was up over August 2008, our YTD average is currently below last year.
  • The Spiritual Life Survey is scheduled for October 3-17. Pastor Burcham commented that Pastor Robarge has really taken the lead on this project and put together some talking points regarding the survey. It is important that we get a positive turn out from the congregation. A Ministry Action Team is currently in the process of being formed to help in this area.
  • Pastor Burcham reported that the possibility of leasing space in the former Silver Cinema building or Parkwood Plaza has been abandoned. The Facilities Focus Group has spent a great deal of time looking at costs and possibilities, but the options are too expensive.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on the Director of Worship Position. The plan for filling the position was split into three phases.
    • Short Term – to cover the worship services for 3-4 weeks. This phase is completed.
    • Midterm – to find an interim worship leader. Currently Pastor Burcham and Executive Director Bill Jesse have a candidate for this interim position. The candidate will meet with the praise team a couple of times before leading worship in 2-3 weeks.
    • Long Term – to reassess the needs of worship ministries and form a staffing committee. This phase will begin after the midterm phase is in place.
  • Pastor Burcham reported on the request for copies of the most recently published hymnals in the pews. The hymnals come from Concordia Publishing House and are $23 each. Two per pew would equal 360 hymnals, totaling $8,280 including shipping, handling, and tax. The Board discussed where the money to pay for them should come from.
  • Executive Director’s Report – The Board discussed a resolution that would give Executive Director Bill Jesse authority to sell stock gifts that have been given to the church. Doug Pals made a motion to pass the resolution. Mark Kramer seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed. Secretary Kevin Kelley signed the official Ameriprise form authorizing Bill Jesse to sell stock gifts for the church.

Monitoring Affirmation:
Parish Paper: The Board discussed the topic of the August issue: “Do We Sing All Five Worship-Hymn Preferences?”

ENDS – the Board will be reviewing the ENDS to decide what, if anything, needs to be changed and then approve changes at upcoming meetings. Laurie Peterson, Kevin Kelley, and Mark Kramer will review Sections 1.1 and 1.2, and report their findings at the October meeting Scott Snyder will review Section 1.3.

Congregational Listening Post – Lorrie Graaf had a member talk to her about restroom cleanliness. Pastor Burcham reported that hand sanitizers are being recommended for the Narthex. Doug Pals heard from a member who doesn’t want a new church and hopes land does not become available.

Church Employee Consulting Policy – Doug Pals reported that this committee is working together and will give an update at the November meeting.

Financial Control Policy – Doug Pals, Executive Director Bill Jesse, and Mark Pierson will meet on Oct. 6. They will be defining what the scope should be and will give an update at the October meeting.

Axiom: Jason Hoffman led the Board in discussing chapters 3-4 of Axiom, by Bill Hybels. Mark Kramer led discussion on chapters 5-6.

LCMS Circuit Forum – The Synodical Convention is in Houston July 10-17, 2010. Doug Pals made a motion to nominate Pastor Burcham as a delegate. Kevin Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed. Elections of delegates will take place at the Circuit Forum on September 19 at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Kevin Kelley and Pastor Burcham will attend the Circuit Forum.

Sabbatical Policy/Continuing Education – Jason Hoffman led the Board in this discussion, saying it’s an important thing that is not currently in place. Continuing education or a sabbatical allows for growth in the pastor, as well as the church. Pastor Burcham said he encourages continuing education for staff. The Board agreed that it is important to get a policy in place. Jason Hoffman will start some structure, with help from Doug Pals and Mark Kramer. They will give the Board an update at the November meeting.


a. Future Meetings
i. October 25 – Discovery 201, 3 p.m
  Attendees: Laurie Peterson, Lorrie Graaf, and Kevin Kelley
ii. October 13, 2009 Governing Board Meeting (Materials due Oct. 7)
iii. 2010 Willow Creek Leadership Summit dates: August 5-6   

After the Lord’s Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.

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